Maps of Power

Nikio Kiras


ID 19902
System Class Person
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs
Sex Male


Nicio Kiras was a bandit from Gopeš, who, together with his co-villager Papa Nicio, as well as Cocio Yorgo, Dimo Nano and Papa Kosta from Malovište, robbed and killed Bacdar Mustafa, a merchant from Shkoder.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Sicil 1734 Source Document No.1, page 29 of Sicil 44 of the Bitola Court was composed on 26 December 1734. It is a plea sent to Sultan Mahmud I by certain Husein Bacdar to arrest the bandits Cocio Yorgo, Dimo Nano and Papa Kosta, all from Malovište, as well as the bandits Nicio Kiras and Papa Nicio from Gopeš, who robbed and killed his brother Bacdar Mustafa near the town of Prilep.
Events (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
First appearance of Nikio Kiras Activity
Last appearance of Nikio Kiras Activity