Maps of Power

Doke Kuyunci


ID 19934
System Class Person
Case Study Ethnonym of the Vlachs
Sex Male


Doke Kuyunci was a villager from Gramos, who escaped to the village Malovište, in order to avoid the land tax ispence.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Sicil 1622 Source Document No.16 of Sicil 2 of the Bitola Court was composed between 1 and 15 Ramadan 1031 (between 10 and 24 July 1622). In it, it is indicated that Dervish Bay, sipahi of the village Gramos in the region of Argos Orestiko declared: “I ask for a muhzir (court courier) to bring in front of this court Ghin, the ironmonger Kolcio, the priest Hristo, Doke Kuyunci, Nikola Ghin, Fote Lazo and other villagers from Gramos who now reside in Malovishte, kaza Bitola, in order to pay the ispence (land tax levied on non-Muslims)”. In return, the mentioned villagers declared: “We will not go to court. Instead we will kill you with stones and escape to the mountains”
Events (2)
Name Class Begin End Description
First appearance of Doke Kuyunci Activity
Last appearance of Doke Kuyunci Activity