Maps of Power


Κνεντζοπούλος, Κνενστοπούλος


Knentzopulos was a military leader in the town and region of Strumica. His name indicates that he was an offspring of a slavic (Serbian) knez. A soldier from his unit donated the Saint Apostles Chapel with vineyards and fields to the Monastery of Iberon (τὸ περὶ τὴν Στρούμμιτζαν τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ ἐνδόξων πανευφήμων Ἀποστόλων μετὰ τῶν ἀμπελώνων καὶ χωραφίων αὐτοῦ, ὅπερ ἀνεδέξαντο παρά τινος στρατιώτου ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκεῖσε τοῦ Κνεντζοπούλου λεγομένου).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Chrysobull charter of the Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos for the Monastery Iberon from August 1310 Source The Byzantine Co-Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos issued in August 1310 a chrysobull charter, in which he confirmed the possessions and the privileges of the Monastery of Iberon on Mount Athos.
Events (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
First appearance of Knentzopulos Activity
Last appearance of Knentzopulos Activity
Mentioning of Knentzopulos Activity 01.08.1310 31.08.1310 Knentzopulos was a military leader in the town and region of Strumica. His name indicates that he was an offspring of a slavic (Serbian) knez. A soldier from his unit donated the Saint Apostles Chapel with vineyards and fields to the Monastery of Iviron (τὸ περὶ τὴν Στρούμμιτζαν τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ ἐνδόξων πανευφήμων Ἀποστόλων μετὰ τῶν ἀμπελώνων καὶ χωραφίων αὐτοῦ, ὅπερ ἀνεδέξαντο παρά τινος στρατιώτου ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκεῖσε τοῦ Κνεντζοπούλου λεγομένου).