Maps of Power

Kalochairetes Theodoros

Καλοχαιρέτης Θεόδωρος


Mentioned in the charter from June 1355 concerning the sale of a plot of land in Chomnos Stolos near Melnik. He sold this property to Basileios Borontrizedas.


Actors (2)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Abastralites Person ParentOf(ChildOf) Mentioned in the charter from June 1355 concerning the sale of a plot of land in Chomnos Stolos near Melnik. His father sold this property to Basileios Borontrizedas.
Anna Person Spouse Mentioned in the charter from June 1355 concerning the sale of a plot of land in Chomnos Stolos near Melnik.Her husband sold this property to Basileios Borontrizedas.
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Charter concerning the sale of a plot of land in Chomnos Stolos Source In June 1355 a charter concerning the sale of a plot of land in Chomnos Stolos was issued.