Maps of Power

Surkišь Sava


Mentioned in the inventory of property of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Htětovo from 1342/1343. He bought the field called Zlovadnica above Trěboš from Pardo Kosta. The field bordered on the old furrow and on the road called after the village Poroj (Niva Zlovadnica, što kupi Sava Surkišь u Parʼda Koste nad Trěbošom a ōstalo dokupi piskopь Ignatije u Anʼdrijana, zeta Pardova, za kobilu, za 2 perper. A mega nivě toi do stare brazde i do poroiska puti).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Land Inventory-Brebion (Nomic's Charter) Source The Land Inventory-Brebion is a register of all land holdings of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. The collection is the work of one scribe, but it contains different acts coming from a wider time span. Until Bubalo's analysis the document was called after the first line Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije. Bubalo corrected the reading into brebion, which is a loanword reflecting the greek word βρεβίον (inventory in the basic meaning). A copy of a Nomic’s Charter is also preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion. Nomics were public notaries in Serbia. The Nomic's Charter was created some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's).