Maps of Power

Turski izvori za ajdutstvoto III


Aleksandar Matkovski, Turski izvori za ajdutstvoto i aramistvoto vo Makedonija (1700-1725), Tom III (Skopje 1973).


Sources (3)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Bitola 1707 Source Document No. 4 (page 48b) of Sicil 32 of the Bitola Court was composed on 14 Safar 1119 (16 May 1707). In it, it is indicated that the Divan of Rumeli orders the kadi of Bitola to catch, arrest, tie and send the villagers Dimo, Nicio and Volkan from Malovište, sons of Niko and Ianciur, to the Divan of Rumeli.
Court Register of Bitola 1709 Source Document No.1, page 6a, of Sicil 33 of the Bitola Court was composed on 18 July 1709. It consists of an accusation by a certain Sora, the daughter of Dimo, a Christian from the village of Malovište. Sora accuses the bandit Ivan for killing and robbing her son Dimo. The court in Bitola convicted Ivan.
Court Register of Bitola 1721 Source Document No. 2, page 124b of Sicil 39 of the Bitola Court was composed on 29 Muharram 1134 (20 November 1721). In it, it is indicated: "The following persons registered in the Court: Dimo Pagor, Tane Simo, Kosta Petko, Cocio Dudu, Neto Kuyunci, Cocio Gogo, Simo son of Pancio, Yoryi Cioshcu, Hristu Papas, Kosta Papu, Edamo Iano and other inhabitants from the village of Malovište. In accordance to the high Firman they guaranteed for each other and they made a commitment to chase and catch bandits as well as to bring them to the Sharia. Written on 29th of honorable Muharram 1134. Witnesses: Haji Ibrahim, Ibrahim (a city notable), Hasan (muhzir)."