Maps of Power

Turski Dokumenti 2


Vančo Boškov, Turkski dokumenti za istorijata na makedonskiot narod. Serija prva, II (Skopje 1966).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Court Register of Sicil 1633 Source Document No. 5 of Sicil 3 (page 5a), Document No. 6 of Sicil 3 (page 15b) and Document No. 1 of Sicil 3 (page 16a) of the Bitola Court were composed in the third decade of Jumādá al-ākhirah (between 23 and 31 December 1633). In them, it is indicated that Nicio from the village Gopeš in kaza Ohrid, son of Dimko, declared in front of the court in Bitola: „Walking from our village together with my friends Dimo and Velko, we went down to a garden near the village Kutretino, which is in by God protected kaza of Monastir. At midnight, while we were asleep, we were attacked by armed inhabitants of the village Kutretino. They killed my friends, Dimo and Velko and they dangerously wounded me 3 or 4 times, thinking that they killed me too. They left us by the willows near Tsrna Reka. They robbed us, taking 3 mules, 6,000 akçe (silver coins), 3 loads of wheat and other stuff”. The court in Bitola sent investigators in the village Kutretino, where they found the robbed blankets in the house of Goshe. After hearing the accused and the witnesses, the court in Bitola made the following verdict: “It is true that the mentioned Goshe is an old bandit and road raider. His full time job is to kill passengers who pass by his village and rob them. He is making riot in the Empire. It is necessary for him to disappear from the face of the Earth”.