Maps of Power

Gropas Andreas

Andrea Gropa, Γρώπας ᾿Ανδρέας


ID 116825
System Class Person
Sex Male


Mentioned in different documents and relics from 1371 to 1379. According to the ktitor inscription in the Church Mal sveti Kliment in Ōhrid from 1378 he was the μέγαλος ζούπανος of Ōhrid. The Historia della casa Musachia records, that Andreas Gropas was married with Kiranna, the daughter of Andreas II. Musachi (questo Signor Groppa predetto dʼOcrida hehbe per moglie la Signora Chiranna seconda figlia sua). The sepulchral inscription for Ostoja Rajaković from 1379 reports, that he was the father-in-law of Ostoja Rajaković (zetь župana Grōpe). ). His son-in-law was also Balša Balšić (Balsa suo genero). He had his own coins minted since 1371. So far 27 pieces of these coins have been preserved. One of the coins has the legend „po milosti Božiei velikь županь Gropa gospodinь Ohrid.‟ Six coins mention him as župan. His father-in-law and his son-in-law Balša helped him to liberate the city of Kastoria from the control of the king Markos/Marko Kraljević. According to the Historia della casa Musachia he ruled beside Ōhrid also in Debar (Signor Groppa Signor dʼOcrida overo Debria). Nikolaj D. Ovčarov proposed to read some monogramm attempts found in the Church of Sveta Sofija in Ōhrid as signatures of Andreas Gropa. This ascertainment could lead us to the assumption, that Andreas Gropas had his own chancery.


Sources (2)
Name Class Description
Greek Ktitor Inscription of the Church Mal Sveti Kliment in Ōhrid Source According to the inscription from the year 1378 above the south entrance to the Church the Priest Stephanos Prophetes founded the Church Mal sveti Kliment in Ōhrid in the time of μέγαλος ζούπανος of Ōhrid Andreas Gropa and Gregorios, the Archbishop of Ōhrid.
Sepulchral Inscription for Ostoja Rajaković Source The Sepulchral Inscription for Ostoja Rajaković, who died in 1379, is above the painted portrait composition of him in the arcosolium of the narthex in the Church of Holy Mother of God Peribleptos in Ōhrid.
Actors (1)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Kiranna Person Spouse The Historia della casa Musachia records, that Andreas Gropas was married with Kiranna, the daughter of Andreas II. Musachi (questo Signor Groppa predetto dʼOcrida hehbe per moglie la Signora Chiranna seconda figlia sua).