Maps of Power


Begin between 01.01.0852 and 31.12.0855
End between 01.01.1401 and 31.12.1499


Pijanьcь was a part of Sclavinias in Macedonia, which formed a borderzone contested between the Byzantines and the Bulgarians. At the latest in 855 (perhaps already in 852?), Pijanьcь and the area around the Brěgalnica river must have fallen under the rule of the Bulgarian Khan Boris. A Bulgarian chronicle reports indirectly about this event (i na rěce Brěgalnici, i tu prïemь carьstvo. Pijanьcь is mentioned in the charter of the Byzantine Emperor Basileios II for the archiepiscopal see of Ōhrid from the year 1019 (καὶ τὴν Πιάνιτζαν). Pijanьcь was withdrawn from the sovereign authority of the Byzantine Empire in 1282/1283 during the reign of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin (и Пиꙗньць). At that time it was subordinate to the Bishopric of Morozvizd (Morobisdos). A poem by the Byzantine poet Manuel Philes (13th/14th century) in honor of the Byzantine commander Michael Dukas Glabas Tarchaneiotess relates, among other things, about the conquest of Pijanьcь (Εὐτζάπολιν δὲ συλλαβὼν Μοροβίσδου, Σκόπιά τε Σθλάβιτζαν ἐξ εὐανδρίας, Καὶ τὸν Πίαντζον καὶ τὸ περὶ τὸν Στρόμον, Καὶ τὸν περὶ Στρούμμιτζαν ἄφθονον τόπον). Pijanьcь appears in the founding charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV. Dušan for the Eparchy of Zletovo with its seat in the Monastery Lěsnovo from the year 1346/47 (u Pijanci; u Pijanci na Brěgalnici). The Serbian local ruler Konstantin Dragaš donated on the 15th August 1381 the Monastery Lěsnovo with all its possessions including also Pijanьcь to the Hilandar Monastery (u Pijancu; u Pijanci na Brěgalnici). A forged charter from the 15th century, also known as the charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin concerning the settlement site Ulijare settlement from 1318, relates, among other things, about the conquest of Pijanьcь by the Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin between the years 1282 and 1284 (Pïanьcь).