Nastroi, na stroi, nastroi, Настрои, Строи, на строи, настрои
End 15.08.1381
ID | 19147 |
System Class | Place |
Place | Katun |
Case Study | Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16 , Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) |
Evidence | History , Charter , Inscription |
Historical place | Serbian Empire , Zletovo , Zletovo , Kingdom of Serbia |
Administrative unit | North Macedonia , Eastern Region / Источен регион |

The katun of the Vlachs Stroi is mentioned in the Slavic donor inscription of the Monastery Lěsnovo (1) from the year 1340/41 as a monastic property (katunь vlaha na stroi). Furthermore, the katun Stroi appears in the founding charter of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV. Dušan for the Eparchy of Zletovo with its seat in the Monastery Lěsnovo (1) from the year 1346/47 (I katunь vlahь nastroi). The Serbian local ruler Konstantin Dragaš donated on the 15th August 1381 the Monastery Lěsnovo (1) with all its possessions, including the settlement site Stroi, in which the Vlachs used to be settled (selište Nastroi gde su Vlasi sěděli), to the Hilandar Monastery.