Maps of Power

Nicol 1968


ID 116698
System Class Bibliography
Bibliography Book
Case Study Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282–1355) , Historical Region of Macedonia TIB 16


Donald M. Nicol, The Byzantine Family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) ca. 1100-1460. A Genealogical and Prosopographical Study (Washington, D. C. 1968).


Actors (12)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Asanes Ioannes Person B: Statthalter von Melenikon, 1342; Statthalter in Morrha/Thrakien, 1343; Heerführer, 1345; Sebastokrator, 1347 - 1355; Statthalter von Kpl, 1350; Despot, 1355 - 1358 (?); Statthalter von Peritheorion/Thrakien, 1355. V: S. d. ᾽Ασάνης, ᾽Ανδρόνικος Παλαιολόγος Κομνηνός. Β. d. ᾽Ασάνης, Μανουὴλ Κομνηνὸς ῾Ραούλ u. d. Καντακουζηνὴ Εἰρήνη u. d. ῾Ελένη. Heir. T. d. ᾽Απόκαυκος ᾽Αλέξιος 1347. R: 1337 Verschwörer gegen Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ανδρόνικος ΙΙΙ. Anhänger d. Καντακουζηνὸς ᾽Ιωάννης VI. 1347/48-1352 Gefolgsmann d. Καντακουζηνὸς Ματθαῖος, den er dazu überredete, die Kaiserherrschaft anzustreben. Wurde nach dem Machtwechsel von Παλαιολόγος ᾽Ιωάννης V. als Statthalter von Peritheorion eingesetzt. L: 1337 - 1341 in Bera/Thrakien inhaftiert.
Boichnas Person It it doubtful, that he is the same person as „lo jupan Voichna“, who appears in the charter of Vladislav, the son of the former Serbian King Dragutin, adressed to Ragusan authorities from the 25th October 1323. The confirmed terminus ante quem of his decease is September 1370/August 1371 (Prišьdšu že mi vь hramě prěsvetije Bogorodice Hilan’darě, i viděvь grobь gospodina mi i roditelja svetopočiv’šega kesara). It is possible that he was already death in 1369, because the Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis (Jovan Unglješa) approved in this year the donation of the Church of the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel above Gabrovo granted by Kaisar Boichnas (Voihna) for the monk and spiritual father Daniil (Kako pride kь carьstvu mi čьstni starьcь duhovьnikь kyrь Daniil…Mihaila i Gabrila više Gabrova, i prinese mi zapisanie gospodina….roditelě mi kesara, i viděhь pročtohь čto jestь zapisalь i….kesarь Voihna, i ini hristoljubivi crьkvi onoizi ljud…..zemle: bystь hotěnije carьstvu mi kudě godě mu se što nahodi……hru….ljud…..vinogradь, perivolja, ili i mlinь, ima hotěnije carьstvo mi kako da je……vь věkomь, i da jestь pace svobodna, nikiimь nepotьknovlenno….). He appears as vlastelinь, surodnikь carьstva mi bratučedь Voih’na in the charter of the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan for the Hilandar Monastery from 1348. He is mentioned as kaisar/kesar in 1351 (Voicha chiessar) and 1355 (Voichna chiesar) in two forged documents of the Serbian Emperors for the town Kotor translated into old Italian. Attested as kaisar and kesarь from 1357 to 1371 (Βοΐχνας ὁ Καῖσαρ). He was the governor of the town Drama in 1357 according to the Byzantine historian Ioannes Kantakuzenos (ὁ δὲ τῆς πόλεως, ἧς ἦρχεν, ἀποδημῶν, Δράμα δὲ ἦν). Sima Ćirković suggests that he held unter his control a much bigger region corresponding with the ruling area of his son-in-law, the Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis (Jovan Unglješa). In a later charter of Iakobos Kutaches Philanthropenos Tarchaneiotes from 1405 he is erroneously described as κράλης. His daughter was Euphemia (Jefimija/Elena). He was the father-in-law of the Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis (Jovan Unglješa). The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan confirmed in 1348 at the intervention of his nobleman and most probably also relative Voih’na the previous donation of the village Potolino in the valley of the river Struma to the Hilandar Monastery (I tu vьspomenu carstvu mi vlastelinь, surodnikь carьstva mi bratučedь Voih’na, ō izvěstneišemь po utvrьždeni sela Potolina, iže bě priložilo i po prěžde carьstvō mi Hilan’daru...I po blagosrьdnomu moljeniju i blagoutrobiju kь v’semь svetimь i božьstvnimь crьkvamь bratučeda mi Voih’ne, darova carьtvō mi vь postrum’skomь prědělě: Seloō Potolinovo sь zasel’ci i periōromь, s megjami i sь dohoci sь v’semi pravinami sela togoō). After the death of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan he was a prominent figure in the circle of the Dušan’s widow Jelena (Helene). He encouraged Mathaios Kantakuzenos at first to invade the territory of Eastern Macedonia. He then betrayted him and joined the army of Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V. He defeated Mathaios Kantakuzenos at Philippoi in Macedonia in 1357. Mathaios Kantakuzenos was imprisoned by him. He handed over Mathaios Kantakuzenos in summer 1357 to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos for a ransom. The Serbian Despot Ioannes Unklesis (Jovan Unglješa) confirmed in 1358 an endowment of his mother-in-law, the wife of Boichnas, for the Kutlumus Monastery (ὅπερ ἐπροσίλοσεν ἡ ἁγία μου κυρία ἡ Κεσάρισα πρὸς αὐτὴν τὴν μονὴν ἐν τι τοποθεσία τὴ ἐπικεκλημένι ἡ Προυνέα χάριν ψυχηκὴς δωρεὰς αὐτῆς ζευγαρίων τεσσάρον... ἐγὼ Οὔγλεσις μέγας βοεβόδας ἀπὸ τὴς αὐτοῦ ἐλεημοσίνης τοὺ αὐθέντου ἡμῶν τοὺ πανευτυχεστάτου δεσπότου καὶ τοὺ ἀδελφοὺ αὐτοὺ τοὺ [...τ...]ου μου στέργο καὶ βεβεῶ τὰ τιαύτα χωράφια εἰς τὴν Προυνέαν γὴν ζευγαρίων τεσάρον ὅπος νέμωσην οἱ τιαύτοι μοναχοὶ τὴς θείας βασιλεικῆς μονῆς τοὺ Κουτλουμούσι ἀκολείτος). The Metropolitan of Drama in 1359 gave his consent to return the metochia of Theotokos Koriliotissa and Hagioi Anargyroi to the Batopedi Monastery after the involvment of Boichnas and his wife. Boichnas and his wife endowed the Batopedi Monastery with the church of Saint Photeine. Boichnas was buried in the Hilandar Monastery at Mount Athos.
Chlapenos Radoslabos Person Identical with Radoslav’ (Povikь?)? It is doubtful, that he is the same person as the župan Hlapen, who governed Konavle and the region of Trebinje. He died before 1385. He was a commandant of the Serbian military troops in Macedonia, 1350. He controlled a large area in Macedonia in the border region, 1357–1362. He was a relative of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He married Eirene Prelumpissa in 1358 (ὅθεν καὶ γυναῖκα λαμβάνει τὴν τοῦ Πρελούμπου ἐκείνου γαμετήν). He was the father of Helena. According to a manuscript note she was married to Marko Mrnjavčević (vь dьni blagověrnago kralja Mar’ka, jegda ōdade Thodoru Grьgurovu ženu Hlapenu, a uze ženu svoju prьvověn’čan’nu Jelenu, Hlapenovu dьštere). His second daughter was the wife of Nikolaos Baldubinos Pagases [Νικόλαος Βαλδουβῖνος Παγάσης/Nikola Bagaš] (ἀπὸ τοῦ πενθεροῦ μου Ῥαδοσλάβου τοῦ Χλαπένου). The third daughter called Maria Angelina Radosthlaba married Alexios Angelos Philantropenos. Mauro Orbini, a Ragusan chronicler from 16th century, who used older sources, mentions also a son of him called Stefan-Dukas (I maschi si chiamauno Duca & Stefano). He defected in 1350 along with Tolisthlabos from the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos (ἧκον δὲ καὶ αὐτόμολοι δύο ἐξ αὐτῶν· ὧν ἅτερος τῶν μάλιστα ἦν ἐπιφανῶν, κατὰ γένος προσήκων Κράλῃ, Χλάπαινος ὠνομασμένος, στρατιάν τε ἔχων ὑφ’ ἑαυτὸν οὐκ εὐκαταφρόνητον καὶ πολλὴν περιουσίαν· ὁ λοιπὸς δὲ οὐ τῶν πάνυ περιδόξων ἦν, πλὴν κἀκεῖνος ἀρχάς τε πόλεων ἐγκεχειρισμένος καὶ στρατοπέδων ἡγεμονίας, ὄνομα Τολίσθλαβος). After a while he switched sides again and joined most likely the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. He captured Beroia before 1359, probably in 1351 (Οὗτος τοίνυν ὁ Χλάπενος, εἷς ὢν τῶν Σερβικῶν σατραπῶν καὶ τινα φρούρια ἐκ τῶν Ῥωμαï κῶν ὁρίων εἰληφώς, ἀλλὰ δὴ καὶ τὴν μεγαλόδοξον πόλιν Βέῤῥοιαν, μεγάλως ἐπὶ τοὶς κατορθώμασιν ἐσέμνυνεν). He witnessed the apparently falsified charter issued by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš V in 1355 for the inhabitants of the town of Kotor (Radosav Chlapene). He acted as a protector of the inheritance right of his wife and his stepson Toma Preljubović (Θωμᾶς Πρέλουμπος). Therefore he seized the Thessalian town Damasis in 1359/1360 (Τῇ Βλαχίᾳ δὲ φθάσας μετὰ τῶν στρατευμάτων καὶ φρούριον ἓν πολιορκία εἰληφώς, Δάμασιν καλούμενον, εἰς συμβάσεις μετὰ τοῦ βασιλέως Συμεὼν χωροῦσι, καὶ τὸ φρούριον τούτῳ παραχωρεῖ). He gave up the town of Damasis to Simeon Uroš (Συμεὼν Παλαιολόγος) on condition of arranging the marriage between Maria Angelina Komnene Palaiologina, the daughter of Simeon, and Toma Preljubović (Θωμᾶς Πρέλουμπος). He founded the Mesonesiotissa Monastery near Kastoria (καὶ ἂν κατὰ διαδοχὴν καὶ κληρονομίαν ἔλαβον ἀπὸ τοῦ πενθεροῦ μου Ῥαδοσλάβου τοῦ Χλαπένου σεβασμίαν καὶ ἱερὰν μονὴν, τὴν παρ’ ἐκείνου ἀνεγερθεῖσαν ἐκ βάθρων αὐτῶν τῇ ὑπερευλογημένῃ ἡμῶν δεσποίνῃ καὶ θεομήτορι, τὴν οὕτω πως καλουμένην Μεσονησιώτισσαν). Apparently his ring was found on a medieval necropolis of the Vodoča Monastery near Strumica. It bears an invocation (Izvolite raba Božija Hlapena).
Dьnica (2) Person Mentioned in the Lesnovski pomenik, a compilation of commemorations from the 16th to 18th century based on older sources. The terminus post quem for the entry regarding the family of the Despot Ioannes Liberos (᾿Ιωάννης Λίβερος, Jovan Oliver) is 1353. She was the daughter of Ioannes Liberos (᾿Ιωάννης Λίβερος, Jovan Oliver) and Maria Liberissa (Μαρία Λιβέρισσα, Ana Marija,). Her uncle was Mpogdanos (Μπογδάνος, Bogdan). She was the sister of Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko), Damianos (Δαμιανός, Damjan), Dabiživь, Vidoslavь, Rusinь and Oliverь. She appears as an unnamed daughter of Ioannes Liberos in the accounts of the Byzantine historians Nikephoros Gregoras and Ioannes Kantakuzenos. Nikephoras Gregoras relates that the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos asked in 1342 his old friend Ioannes Liberos to smooth the way for an alliance with the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan. The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos was according to Nikephoros Gregoras in so dire situation, that he even proposed a marriage between his son Manuel and the daughter of Liberos. Ioannes Kantakuzenos gives account of the effort of Ioannes Liberos to realise the marriage between his daughter and Manuel Kantakuzenos. Ioannes Liberos brought even the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to convince the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos in regard of the engagment beween the daughter of Oliver and Manuel. Dьnica (Danica) is attested in the Lesnovo pomenik along with her family as a ktitorica (Poměni, gospodi, blagočьstivyihь ktitorь našihь vь carstvi si: Olivera děspota, i podružie Mariju, i čeda ihь: Dьnicu, Kraika, Damiana, Vidoslava, Dabiživa, Rusina, Olivera).
Kantakuzenos Ioannes Person Mentioned in the donation deed of Pinkernissa Anna Tornikina for the Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos from August 1358. He was the son of the Pinkernes Demetrios Tornikes and Anna Tornikina. His brother was Andronikos. He had two sisters (Maria and Eirene) (Ἄννα πϊγκέρνισσα ἡ Τορνικίνα ἡ ἄνωθεν πρωτοτύπως προτάξασα οἰκειοχείρως σϋναινέσει καὶ ὅλη γνώμη καὶ τοῦ αὐθέντου μου τοῦ σϋζύγου μου καὶ τῶν φιλτάτων ἡμῶν παίδων Ἰωάννου Ἀνδρονίκου Μαρίας καὶ Εἰρήνης). His mother Anna Tornikina owned a domain at Beltzista in the region of Zabaltia. She became the domain as a dowry from her father. This property was in 1358 in the hands of the Serbs. She promised a half of her possession to the Pantokrator Monastery in August 1358, because their founders, Megas Stratopedarches Alexios and Megas Primikerios Ioannes, were succesfull in reconquering the land from the Serbs in the area between Christupolis and the mouth of the Strymon. Anna Tornikina expected that they could also recover her domain. Ioannes Kantakuzenos and his siblings gave Anna Tornikina the permission to donate a half of the property to the founders of the Pantokrator Monastery (Σίγνον Ιωάννου Καντακουζηνοῦ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτῶν).
Komnene Eudokia Person The last mentioned date of her appearance in the sources is the year 1395. The sources refer to her as κυρὰ, δέσποινα, before 1395. She was the daughter of Alexios III Komnenos, who was the Emperor of Trapezunt and Theodora Komnene Kantakuzene. She was married to Tāj al-Dīn (Τατζιατίνης), the Emir of Jānīk, on 8th October 1379. Her second husband was Konstantinos Dragases (Konstantin Dragaš) or the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos after 24th October 1386. Her grandson was the Byzantine Emperor Konstantinos XI Palaiologos. Michael Panaretos relates about her journey from Constantinople to the Monastery of Saint Phocas at Kordyle on 4th September 1395. On the following day she returned back to Trapezunt. Georgios Sphrantzes wrote as an argument for the marriage of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantinos XI Palaiologos with Mara Branković the fact, that also Eudokia had married a Turkish chieftain and bore him a child, before she became the wife of Konstantinos’ XI. grandfather. The problem in the account of Sphrantzes is that he does not mention if the husband of Eudokia was from the paternal or maternal side of Konstantinos. Raymond-Joseph Loenertz, Ivan Đurić, Radivoj Radić, Hristo Matanov, Mihailo Popović and Anthony Kaldellis suggest that her husband was Konstantinos Dragases, other scholars plead for the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos, who appears as the husband of Eudokia in the historical work of Laonikos Chalkokondyles.
Liberos Ioannes Person Mentioned in several sources between 1336 and 1354. The inscription placed next to the portrait of Ioannes Liberos on the north wall of the naos in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo lists all dignities, which were granted to him during his career (azь rabь hristovь iōanь ōliverь po milosti božiei i gospodina mi krala stefana bihь u srьblemь veliky čelnikь potom veliki sulga potomь veliki voevoda potomь veliky sevastokratorь i/a za věrnoe emu porabotanije po milosti božiei i veliki despotь vseja srьbskije zemle i pomorьskije i učestnikь grьkomь). Srdjan Pirivatrić presumes that the titles of grand sebastrokrator, grand despot and učestnik, were bestowed upon Ioannes Liberos by Byzantine imperial authorities before coronation of the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in 1346. He held the position of veliki čelnik, before 1341. veliki sluga (megas domestikos), 1332–1341 (ja sluga veli Ōliverь/Iōanь veliki sluga Ōliverь vьse srpskie zemlie i pomorskie). veliki vojvoda (megas dux) 1341/1342 (sь trudomь i podanijemь raba božija ioana velikago voevode olivera; Veliki voevoda Ōlïver povelě pisati, a Stanislavь pisa; ōbьdrьžeštu ōblastiju vseju ōvčepolьskoju velikomu vojevodě Ōliveru, vь horě Zletovcěi; jegože velikyi vojevoda Ōliverь sьzda is temelja; povelěnijemь gospodina velikago vojevode Ōlivera; Bogь da prostitь velikago vojevodu Ōlivera). He was the son-in-law of Georgios Karabides (Γεώργιος Καραβίδης). His brother was Mpogdanos (Μπογδάνος, Bogdan). He was married to Maria Liberissa (Μαρία Λιβέρισσα, Ana Marija). He had six sons (Kraikos [Κράϊκος, Krajko], Damianos [Δαμιανός, Damjan], Vidoslavь, Dabiživь, Rusinь, Oliverь) and one daughter (Danica). Already in 1334 he got acquainted with Ioannes Kantakuzenos during the meeting between the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos and Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in Rhadobosdion (Radovište). They became friends. Jovan Oliver entrusted before 1341 his subordinate Todorь with the task to settle the deserted settlement site Sveti Dimitrije in Jastrebnica, which was in possession of the Monastery of Saint Demetrius in Kočane. Jovan Oliver issued between 1332 and 1341 a charter, in which were listed the rights and duties of Todorь at Sveti Dimitrije in Jastrebnica (Naidohь selište pusto Svetago Dimitrija u Jastrebnicě i podahь moga člověka Todora, koi mi se prěda izь Grьkь, po ruce da naseli ōmozi selo). Ioannes Liberos, the son-in-law of Georgios Karabides, stated on 28th June 1336 in the presence of Nikola Falletro, the comes of the town of Ragusa, that he received the former treasury of Karabides from Junije Lukarević. Ioannes Liberos swore that he will give the treasury to the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan and request a charter for Junije Lukarević from the king, which will confirm the receipt of treasury and ruled out the possibility of demand by the king, Liberos or the children of Karabides (Oliuer Gherchinich, baro domini Regis Raxie et gener Charauide, constitutes ante presentiam nobilis et potentis viri domini Nicolai Falletro, honorabilis comitis Ragusii, contentus e confessus fuit habuisse et recepisse et apud se habere a Junio de Lucarom de Ragusio unam centuram de argento et unam ladicam de argento, ponderis inter ambas librarum tredecim et unciarum V, et centum nonaginta quinque ducatos de auro, que centura et ladica et ducati acomandati fuerunt per dictum Carauidam, socerum olim dicti Oliueri, eidem Junio, ut idem Junius confessus fuit. Et similiter idem Oliverius confessus fuit tantas fuisse res et ducatos, accomandatas eidem Junio per dictum Charauidam et non plures, cum infrascriptis pactis et condictionibus, uidelicet quod ipse Oliuerius teneatur et debeat predictam centuram et ladicam et ducatos dare in manibus domini Regis Raxie in presentia Petri de Ribica et Marini filii Junii de Uolcasso de Ragusio et fieri facere ab ipso Rege eidem Junio de Lucaro unam apouiliam, sigillatam suo sigillo, continentem, qualiter ipse dominus Rex uel suus successor nec frater, filii seu filia dicti Charauidi seu aliqua alia persona de dicta centura et ladica et ducatis non possint facere uel mouere aliquam litem uel questionem in regno Raxie et Slauonie seu in aliquo loco, in curia uel extra, eidem Junio). Ioannes Liberos owned and received from the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan landed estates in the region of Ovče Pole, Zletovo and Tikveš for his service. According to the stone inscription above the Western Entrance of the Katholikon in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo from 1340/1341, he, his wife and his son Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko) sponsored the reconstruction and the painted decoration of the monastery. He, his wife and his Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko) endowed the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo with lands in the surrounding area (sьzda se světlyi i čьs(t)nъï.hramь.velikago vojevode vьïšnih silь. Arhistratiga Mihaila. Sьzda se i sьvrьši se. Vь dni Stefan(a) kral(a). Sь trudomь. Ï podanijemь raba B(ož)ija Ïōan(a) veikago voevode Ōlivera. I podružija ego rabu B(o)žiju Annu. Maru i vьzljublennago emu s(y)na Kraika. V(ь) lět(o). ƺ.ō.m.ḟ. se že sela i metohïe. Selo konь crkve Lěsnovo. Sь zaselkomъ Lukovu i u Bakově crkvь S(ve)t(o)ga Nikole sь selomь. Ï na rěcě zaselьkь Globica i selo Dobrьevo i u Drěvěnoi. S(ve)tьï Elisei i zaslьk Peštno i S(ve)ty Prokopije. I katunь Vlah(a) na Stroi i u Štipě S(ve)ty Nikola pop Sïfievь. i. k. kukei). He supplied the monastery with the Menaion. The scribe Stanislavь, who wrote the menaion, recorded, that Ioannes Liberos donated also frames for the screen icons and church vessels to the monastery with the intention to grant the monastery to the Hilandar Monastery (velikyi vojevoda ōliverь sьzda is temelija i sьvrьšivь i popisa i vsakimi dorotami ukrasivь, sьsudï zlatьïmi i srebrьnьïmi pokova velikyje ikony srebromь i zlatomь, jakože jestь lěpo domь božii ukrašati, podavь sela i metohije i pašišta i livade i planine milostiōvь kralevovь utvrьdivь vse sinore i zapisavь zlatopečatnymь hrisovulomь i prědastь ju u svetu goru stoi bogorodici hilandarьskoi sь vsakymь utvrьždenijemь). As a Grand Duke, Ioannes Liberos, ordered the fabrication of a metal polycandilion with an inscribed medallion for the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo (voevoda oliver anna marija). When the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos had proceeded in 1342 with his army along the right bank of the river Vardar, he discovered the forces of Ioannes Liberos near Belesos (Veles). The Byzantine emperor sent an envoy to Liberos in order to remind him of the friendly contacts they had before. Very short after the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos had crossed the river, Ioannes Liberos hosted him and his troops for three days. The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos, who placed reliance on Liberos, even proposed a marriage between his son Manuel and Danica, the daughter of Liberos. Ioannes Liberos provided accomodation for the Byzatine emperor and his troops in Skopje. In the meantime Liberos visited the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan in the area of Morava. Liberos persuaded the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to receive the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos favourably. The Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan then sent Mpogdanos (Μπογδάνος, Bogdan), the brother of Ioannes Liberos, to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos in order to let him know about his soon arrival in Tao (Pauni) near Pristenon (Priština). In July/August 1342 the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan formed an alliance with the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos. Ioannes Liberos brought the Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to convince the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos in regard of the engagment beween Danica and Manuel. Ioannes Liberos then accompanied the Byzantine Emperor with the Serbian auxiliary forces on the campaign to the town Serres. He fell ill before the gates of town of Serres. As sebastokrator Ioannes Liberos donated another medallion with monogramms for the polycandilion in the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo. The monastic endowment of Ioannes Liberos became a seat of new founded Episcopy of Zletovo between 1346 and 1347, which is documented in the charter of confirmation issued by the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (v’seljubimomu vlastelinu svetago carьsva mi despotu Ōliveru, iže jestь sьzdalь svetyi hramь ōnь ōtь osnovanija, iže vь městě Lěsnově, i ukrasivь v’sěkymi lěpotami crьkьvnymi, i udarovavь sel’mi i sь zaselьci, i sь planinami, i sь pročïimi ōtesy zemlje te). Ioannes Liberos together with his wife and his sons Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko) and Damianos (Δαμιανός, Damjan) were the patrons of the parecclesion of the Saint John the Baptist in the Church of Saint Sophia in Ōhrid. The chapel was erected between the years 1347–1350. Ioannes Liberos together with his wife and his son Damianos (Δαμιανός, Damjan) are depicted within the ktitorial composition on the western wall of the chapel. The portrait of Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko) is situated on the northern wall of the chapel. Ioannes Liberos and his family sponsored a new narthex as a addition to the Monastery of Saint Archangel Michael and Holy Father Gabriel in Lěsnovo. The painted ktitorial composition with Ioannes Liberos, Maria Liberissa (Μαρία Λιβέρισσα, Ana Marija), Kraikos (Κράϊκος, Krajko) and Damianos (Δαμιανός, Damjan) is on the northern wall of the narthex. The fresco inscription above the entrance from the narthex to the naos gives details about the donors and the date 1349, when the narthex was decorated (Ἀνηγέρθη ἐκ βάθρων, καὶ ἀνηστορίθη ὁ θεῖος καὶ πάνσεπτος ναὸς τοῦ ταξιαρχου Μιχ δι’ ἐξόδου τοῦ πανευτυχεστάτου δεσπότου Ιωάννου τοῦ Λύβερί. καὶ τῆς πανευτυχεστάτης βασιλείσης Μαρίας τῆς Λυβερίσης καὶ τῶν τέκνων αὐτῶν, Κραίκου καὶ Δαμιανοῦ. ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλεί Στεφάνου καὶ Ἐλένης, καὶ τοῦ ύιοῦ αὐτῶν κράλη τοῦ Οὐροσι μηνὶ αὐγύστῳ ѕʹ ἔτους ϛωνζ ἰνδ β). Ioannes Liberos appears for the last time in the papal letter from May 1354, in which Innocent VI. sent the identical instructions for the most powerful nobles in the Serbian empire, who contributed to the possibility of an union between the Serbian and Roman churches (Oliverio despoto Serviae).
Lyzikos Georgios Person Died in 1351. He was a commandant of the soldiers at the acropolis in Thessalonike, 1328. He held the position of the governor of Edessa (Vodena), 1350–1351 (Λυζικὸς δὲ ὁ τῆς πόλεως ἄρχων). He came from Beroia. He defended the acropolis of Thessalonike against Andronikos III Palaiologos, just after the Byzantine Emperor had conquered the town. His soldiers forced him to handover the acropolis of Thessalonike to Andronikos III Palaiologos. He deafeated the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan at Kastoria. The Byzantine Emperor Ioannes VI Kantakuzenos appointed him 1350 as governor of the town Edessa (Vodena), which was captured by the Byzantine army recently. He was injured in Edessa (Vodena) during the Serbian invasion of the town. The Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan let Lyzikos’ beard to pull out as an act of revenge. Lyzikos was sent in chains to Skopje. He died on the way.
Tolisthlabos Person Mentioned for the year 1350 by the Byzantine historian Ioannes Kantakuzenos. He was a commander of the Serbian military troops and governor of towns. He defected in 1350 along with Radoslabos Chlapenos from the Serbian Emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan to the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes Kantakuzenos (ἧκον δὲ καὶ αὐτόμολοι δύο ἐξ αὐτῶν· ὧν ἅτερος τῶν μάλιστα ἦν ἐπιφανῶν, κατὰ γένος προσήκων Κράλῃ, Χλάπαινος ὠνομασμένος, στρατιάν τε ἔχων ὑφ’ ἑαυτὸν οὐκ εὐκαταφρόνητον καὶ πολλὴν περιουσίαν· ὁ λοιπὸς δὲ οὐ τῶν πάνυ περιδόξων ἦν, πλὴν κἀκεῖνος ἀρχάς τε πόλεων ἐγκεχειρισμένος καὶ στρατοπέδων ἡγεμονίας, ὄνομα Τολίσθλαβος).
Tornikes Demetrios Person Probably identical with the unnamed pinkernes, against who the secret organisation was plotting. Seems to be the same person as Pinkernes Tornikes, who appears in the charter of property confirmation issued by Paulos, the Metropolitan of Zichna, and the ecclessiastical court for the Hilandar Monastery in the case of the watermill at Chantax from November 1378. Mentioned in the donation deed of Pinkernissa Anna Tornikina for the Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos from August 1358. He is attested as δοῦλος of the Byzantine Emperor Ioannes V Palaiologos. He held the position of Pinkernes in 1358. Married to Anna Tornikina. His offsprings were Ioannes Kantakuzenos, Andronikos Tornikes, Maria Tornikina and Eirene Tornikina. He signed the donation deed of his wife for the Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos from August 1358. He resided at that time probably in Constantinople.
Tornikes, Andronikos Komnenos Dukas Palaiologos Person He died on 3th July of an unknown year before the Typikon of Theodora Synadene for the Convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople was written. It was surely after 1327. He appears as a κῦρ in the sources. He held the position of a Parakoimomenos. He was the son of Maria Tornikina Palaiologina and Isaakios Tornikes. His wife was probably the Parakoimomene Tornikina. He was the son-in-law of the Megas Papias Alexios Tzamplakon. He along with ἐπὶ τοῦ στρατοῦ Jean de Gibelet (Τζουϊὰν ντὲ Ζιπλέτ) was sent in July 1325 by the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos to the House of Savoy. They had the task to seek the hand of Anna of Savoy for Andronikos III Palaiologos. He joined on the 20th March 1326 together with Kasandrenos at Amphipolis the embassy from Constantinople heading to the Serbian king. In 1327 he was decreed by the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos to control the resettlement of the 2000 Cumans from Thrace to the islands of Lemnos, Thasos and Imbros. He donated 500 Hyperpera and a silver lamp to the Convent of the Holy Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople for the sake of his commemoration. He died of consumption.
Tornikina Anna Person Issuer of the donation deed for the Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mount Athos from August 1358. She was married to the Pinkernes Demetrios Tornikes and therefore held the title of Pinkernissa. She was probably the daughter of Parakoimomenos Andronikos Kantakuzenos. Her offsprings were Ioannes Kantakuzenos, Andronikos Tornikes, Maria Tornikina and Eirene Tornikina. She owned a domain at Beltzista in the region of Zabaltia. She became the domain as a dowry from her father. This property was in 1358 in the hands of the Serbs. She promised a half of her possession to the Pantokrator Monastery in August 1358, because their founders, Megas Stratopedarches Alexios and Megas Primikerios Ioannes, were succesfull in reconquering the land from the Serbs in the area between Christupolis and the mouth of the Strymon. Anna Tornikina expected that they could also recover her domain.