Maps of Power


Bojko, Μπώεικος


ID 117139
System Class Person
Sex Male


He together with Eudokia and her son sponsored in 1344/1345 the painted decoration of the Virgin Maryʼs Church in Mali Grad (Δέησης του δουλου του Θεοῦ Μπώεῖκου καὶ Εὐδῶκείας, τῆς εὐγενὲστάτης καὶ τὸν τέκνὸν αὐτης. Ανὴστωρϊθὲν τὸ βίμα παρ αὐτῶν. Έτους ͵ς ω ν γʹ).


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Supplicant inscription on the band under the apse conch of the Virgin Maryʼs Church in Mali Grad Source The Supplicant inscription on the band under the apse conch of the Virgin Maryʼs Church in Mali Grad contains information about the painted decoration of the church, which was sponsored by Mpoeikos, Eudokia and her son in 1344-1345.