Maps of Power

Vranino selo (selište)


The land inventory of the Church of Saint Stephen in Konče, which was created after the church became a possession of the Hilandar on Mount Athos, mentions the village (i Prosěnikovo lozije na Vranine sele; niva Prosenikova na Vranine sele; niva Nogajeva na Vranine sele; Marьjanova niva na Vranine seli) and the settlement site of a certain Vrana (na Vranine selišti 11 ōrahь I tri ōskoruše i dvě črьnice i prisadь) several times. The location of both places, which are probably identical, is uncertain, but was for sure in the vicinity of the village of Konče.


Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Konče 2 Source The register of property of the Church of Saint Stephen in the village of Konče from 1366 listed serfs, vineyards, fruit trees, croplands, cleared land and meadows in four villages, which were subordinated to the Hilandar Monastery.