Maps of Power


Ljašk, Лавце

Begin 01.09.1321
End 29.10.1321


The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin donated everything, which belonged to Borko in Ljašcě, to the Monastery of Gračanica. This property was given to the monastery as an exchange of belongings between Gračanica and the Bishopric of Debar (I u Ljašcě vse što se nadi Borkovo).


Events (1)
Name Class Begin End Description
Foundation of the monastery of Gračanica Acquisition The Emperor Stefan Uroš II Milutin's Charter for the Monastery of Gračanica. The original is not preserved, the text of the charter is known from the fresco of the diaconicon of the Monastarey of Gračanica. Due to this fact the date of issue is disputed. The years 1315 or 1321 come into consideration.
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Stefan Uroš II Milutin's Charter for the Monastery of Gračanica Source The Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin issued a charter for the Monastery of Gračanica. The original is not preserved. The text of the charter is known from the fresco of the diaconicon of the Monastarey of Gračanica. Due to this fact the date of issue is disputed. The year 1315 or 1321 comes into consideration.