Maps of Power

Angelikudes Kallistos

Ἀγγελικούδης Κάλλιστος



He is to be identified with Kallistos Kataphygiotes and Kallistos Telikudes. He was active in the second half of the 14th century. He was born around 1325 according to Koutsas. He died after 1377. He appears as a κῦρ in the charters of the Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos Kokkinos. He was a Monk, man of letters and Pro-Palamite Theologian. He founded the small monastery complex Theotokos Kataphygion near Melnik. The Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos Kokkinos appointed him between March and May 1371 as father confessor for his fellow monks. The patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos Kokkinos declared at Kallistos’ request his foundation a starouropegial monastery in May 1371. He and his monks are mentioned in an unpublished document from the Batopedi Monastery, which was issued in the year 1377. He composed the treatise Hesychastic consolation (Ἡσυχιαστικὴ παράκλησις), which consisted of 30 sermons. He refuted no less than 2000 extracts from the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas, which he know from the greek translation made by Demetrios Kydones. He is the author of more than 220 chapters dedicated to the Palamite teaching. Most of them were later incorporated in the Philokalia collection. He also wrote hymns, prayers and of a letter probably to his disciple Makarios Kataphygiotes.


Actors (4)
Name Class Begin End Relation Type Description
Byzantine Empire Group κτήτωρ/Κτίτωρ/Ktitorь
Byzantines Group κτήτωρ/Κτίτωρ/Ktitorь
Greeks Group κτήτωρ/Κτίτωρ/Ktitorь
Serbian Empire Group κτήτωρ/Κτίτωρ/Ktitorь
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
The charter of the Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheos Kokkinos for the Monastery Theotokos Kataphygion from May 1371 Source Philotheos Kokkinos, the Patriarch of Constantinople, declared at Kallistos Angelikues’ request his foundation, the Monastery Theotokos Kataphygion near Melnik, a starouropegial monastery in May 1371.