Maps of Power



He lived before summer 1343, maybe even later. He was kir and vlastel. According to the so-called Nomic charter, preserved in the Vrěviō, he was among the local noblemen (vlastele) and people (hora) gathered at the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo on 4th November of an unspecified year. He was asked together with others by the Bishop of Prizren, Geōrgii, and Markuš, to swear to tell the truth concerning the disputed land located on the hill called Pleš. He gave the testimony that at the time, when he was a child and his brother was the Archimandrite of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo, the hill Pleš was not in Progonʼs possession (I reče kyr Aleksa: kьda běse moi bratь Vlaho jepiskopь u Htětově arhimudritь, toga běhь ja u manastiri dětetemь i dobrě znamь jere ne metehaše Progonь sь Plěšiōm, pače bě posějalь Progon ječmenь, i reče bratь mi Vlaho jepiskopь i sьbrahu gobeda vsego sela i popasoše ga).


Events (3)
Name Class Begin End Description
Confirmation of Possessions in the Land inventory-Brebion Acquisition 01.11.1342 30.09.1343 A copy of Nomic’s Charter preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion (in original called (Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije) of church properties of the largest landowner in Polog, the Monastery of Bogorodica Htetovska (Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Htetovo). Nomics are people who wrote documents and sometimes acted as public notaries. The Nomic's Charter occured some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's) was issued.
First appearance of Aleksa Activity
Last appearance of Aleksa Activity
Sources (1)
Name Class Description
Land Inventory-Brebion (Nomic's Charter) Source The Land Inventory-Brebion is a register of all land holdings of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Htětovo. The collection is the work of one scribe, but it contains different acts coming from a wider time span. Until Bubalo's analysis the document was called after the first line Brěvno matere Božije Htětovskije. Bubalo corrected the reading into brebion, which is a loanword reflecting the greek word βρεβίον (inventory in the basic meaning). A copy of a Nomic’s Charter is also preserved in the Land Inventory-Brebion. Nomics were public notaries in Serbia. The Nomic's Charter was created some time before the Brebion (1343-1345 or in the first half of the 1340's).